
We develop

innovative solutions

for complex problems

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A new way of doing self-assessments to improve well-being, health and safety conditions at home and at work.

A team that has been alongside companies in particularly critical situations for over 20 years.

Flood defense

Have you prepared to protect your business in the event of extreme events?

We can provide you:

    instructions tools technologies training


Our solutions

for resilience

Crisis & Communication

In crisis situations it is essential to have a plan to ensure a rapid, coordinated and effective response to protect the organisation's reputation and value.

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We improve health and safety through:

    knowledge of organizational processes involvement of staff use of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach a dedicated specialist team
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Operational continuity

We design business continuity plans and customized procedures to allow companies to continue producing and providing services even during an adverse event.

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Energy sustainability

We assist companies in developing sustainable energy solutions with services and innovations for energy sustainability.

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We design customized training programs to support companies in continuous change and the complexity of the challenges associated with it.

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Business Innovation e Start up

New ideas, methods, products and services to improve the company's efficiency, competitiveness and value.

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Cyber security

Our methodology allows you to improve IT security and resilience through analysis, prevention, mitigation, training and insurance transfer interventions.

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Innovative business ideas


We promote innovative business ideas through advisory and early business management

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We identify, generate and evaluate potential investment opportunities

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Contact us

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call us 39 02 36585618

Costlab srl
Operational Headquarters:
Via Copernico 38 – 20127 Milan
Registered office:
Via Mauro Macchi 58 -
20124 Milan
T: 39 02 36585618       
F: 39 02 36585769       
@ info@costlab.com     
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